Welcome to our website. We would love to have you join us at our monthly meeting! Sherry Anderson, President

“I so appreciate the opportunity to attend Writers Aglow, and also how you conduct our time together. The critiquing is so valuable… The meetings are priceless and I thank you for all your efforts in providing them for local writers. God bless.”

” I love you girls — my Christian sisters. I’ve enjoyed having a place to sharing the poetry that God gives me!”

“This group gave me the courage and motivation to press in and write more songs and to have them copyrighted — all 27 of them!”

Author and Speaker
“I highly recommend a group like this for support as a writer.”

“Each meeting we go away with something new. What a wonderful opportunity to get together with like-minded people.” Lorna has published two books since joining us!

“Before I stumbled into this group most of my ideas amounted to nothing but procrastinating…now I have published my third book!”

“I enjoy the camaraderie and receive encouragement as well as tips to improve my writing.”

“I love Writers Aglow!”
Pat has succeeded in placing in our last two Writing Contests!

Eric has now published two books! He is currently working on his third book.